If you have had a difficult time with birth control, this episode is for you!!! You will want to listen to this episode to hear all about the Fertility Awareness Method which is DIFFERENT than what you’ve likely heard about - the “Natural Family Planning Method.” It’s much more exact and backed by science. (Let’s be clear - the Natural Family Planning Method is not bad! It’s just good to be aware of and educated on the differences.)
I’m so grateful to have Alexa Jeppson join me to discuss this topic. She is an RN, has done a ton of research on this method, and has her own personal experience as well.
Here are some of the topics that are covered in this episode:
- Alexa’s personal experience with hormonal birth control
- What led her to the Fertility Awareness Method (The Daysy specifically)a
- Benefits of using this method
- Concerns she had going into using this method and how she researched/addressed those
- How effective this method is vs other birth control methods
- How this method works day-to-day, how much time is involved, how long it takes to sync to learn how your personal body functions, how it links the information to an app to refer back to, etc.
- Advice for someone navigating this with their partner (the possibility of switching from hormonal birth control to this method)
- How Alexa's medical provider felt about her pursuing this method and why she thinks this isn’t talked about more often as an option.
This episode is NOT about being anti-birth control! If traditional birth control methods have been a positive experience for you, then keep using them! That’s wonderful. But if they are NOT… if they are causing anxiety, depression, unwanted weight gain, or other negative side affects, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER. There is another way that is equally as effective (and as a bonus, it helps you get to know your own body even better).
The fertility tracker that Alexa personally uses: The Daysy
Another one she mentions: Natural Cycles
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