Business schools are a source of innovation, value, and leadership, which requires someone to keep their finger on the pulse of emerging technology, economics trends, and even demographic and societal changes. Often, setting the big picture strategy is the responsibility of the business school dean, a role that requires connecting with and serving several different audiences. From engaging with alumni, companies, and other external partners to providing support to faculty, staff, and students, deans typically keep a very busy schedule. In this episode, Dr. Darren Dahl, the Dean of the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business, takes some time out of his busy schedule to discuss the life of a dean with our colleague, Dr. Anne Hamby. Dean Dahl talks about the importance of giving back, providing resources for success, and even the potential Netflix-ification of business education. Find out the challenges and opportunities of being a Dean in this episode of Consumer Insights 101.
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This episode was hosted by Anne Hamby
Consumer Insights 101 is a production of the Association for Consumer Research