Jan 26 2025 136 mins 27
Two world-leading experts in photobiology join me to discuss the negative health effects indoor lighting, what we currently know about how light interacts with biological systems and what this means for your health.
Watch my previous episodes with Scott and Andrew:
Scott Zimmerman I - Near Infrared Light & Melatonin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYqT7i8teGs
Scott Zimmerman II - Problem of Indoor Lighting & NIR deficiency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXiOEGuIDfM
Andrew LaTour I - Introduction to Photobiomodulation & Red Light Therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alntrkUDq8E
Andrew LaTour II - Best Lighting for Optimal Health & Circadian Rhythms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR1GMyFETuU
00:00 Introduction to Indoor Lighting and Health
05:04 Government Regulations and LED Lighting Challenges
07:10 Addressing Near-Infrared Deficiency
12:23 The Importance of Wavelengths and Dosing in Light Therapy
16:02 Circadian Rhythms and Light Exposure
21:06 Melatonin Production and Its Implications
24:06 The Role of Dimming and Spectrum in Lighting
28:54 The Need for Bright Light During the Day
35:02 The Body as a Solar Collector
40:47 The Evolution of Human Light Exposure
49:17 Exploring Systemic Effects of Light Therapy
52:40 The Historical Context of Light and Health
54:22 Understanding the Impact of Sunlight on Health
59:59 Dosing and Indoor Lighting: A Historical Perspective
01:06:15 Photobiomodulation vs. Ambient Light Exposure
01:17:49 Mechanisms of Light Interaction with the Body
01:35:50 The Importance of Near Infrared in Photobiology
01:36:35 Understanding Energy at the Molecular Level
01:39:12 The Role of Light in Biological Evolution
01:40:28 Photon Behavior and Biological Implications
01:46:28 Criteria for Human-Friendly Lighting
01:58:42 The Importance of Balanced Blue Light
02:01:41 Integrating Light into the Health Movement
Twitter - https://twitter.com/SZimmZoo
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GembaRed YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gembaredllc9115
Website: https://gembared.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gembared/
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DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast is purely for informational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast or YouTube channel.
#indoorlighting #humanhealth #nearinfrared #melatonin #circadianrhythm #LEDlighting, #photobiomodulation #lighttherapy #exclusionzone #humanfriendlylighting #circadianrhythms #circadianrhythm
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