082: How to Get Out of a Rut

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Oct 15 2024 13 mins   1

We don't want to make decisions from a rut. And by rut, I mean anxious, bummed out, down – When things feel stagnant or even in a downward spiral.

Here are three steps to get out a rut so you can make better decisions:

Step 1: What's the worst-case scenario? Let your brain run. Speak it out loud. Write it down. What's your brain worried might happen?

Step 2: What's the best-case scenario? Let your brain dream. It would be incredible if...

Step 3: What's the most likely scenario? This is where your brain can settle. From here, you can think more logically, and make decisions from a clear-headed place.

The truth is, you're making decisions all day every day. So if you're in a rut, it's important to address it before implementing rash decisions out of fear.

PODCAST ROADMAP to stop losing your temper HERE