Jan 13 2025 48 mins 1
Red light therapy, aka photobiomodulation, is a fantastic way to augment your light nourishment! It can be hard to get enough sunlight in the winter, and since we're pretty much all sunlight deficient in the Northern Hemisphere, judicious red light therapy can be a huge boost to your mitochondrial function, and therefore, your overall health!
In this episode, Vanessa and Heather explain how the red light frequencies support your health at a deep level, when and how much to use red light, and which devices are some of the best on the market.
If you experience any type of inflammation, immune problems, metabolic issues, mood issues, etc., red light therapy can be tremendously supportive to your health (not medical advice) as volumes of research studies demonstrate.
We also discuss the benefits of sauna therapy, our favorite saunas, and tips and precautions to utilizing this ancient practice to thrive in winter.
Free Product Guide
Learn How to Thrive in Winter Webinar & Ebook https://pay.brightlightwellnesscoach.com/winter
Sunlighten Sauna: 200 Off https://share.sunlighten.com/VanessaBaldwin
EMR Tek ~ Discount code: vbaldwin719save20
Midwest Red Light Therapy Discount code Brightlightwellness
Durasage Portable Infra-red Sauna:
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https://www.vivarays.com ➡️ Code: enlightenedmood.com for 10% off
https://midwestredlighttherapy.com ➡️ Code: enlightenedmood for 10% off
https://emr-tek.com ➡️ Code: enlightenedmood for 20% off
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Discount codes:
https://midwestredlighttherapy.com/ ➡️ Code: Brightlightwellness
https://vivarays.com/ ➡️ Code: Brightlightwellness
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