In this groundbreaking episode of RenourishED, we delve into the innovative intersection of psychedelic medicine and mental health with Claire, a trailblazing clinical psychologist and psychotherapist specialising in eating disorders and body image concerns. With a rich background in private practice and consultancy within elite sports and educational settings, Claire brings a wealth of experience to her PhD research at Swinburne University, focusing on the potential of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy to treat body image disturbance.
Claire provides an insightful overview of her work in Melbourne, highlighting the profound impact of body image disturbance on individuals, especially those with a history of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa. She shares her motivation for exploring psychedelic medicine, specifically psilocybin, as a novel approach to treatment, offering hope for deeper healing and transformation.
This episode uncovers the unique structure of Claire's study, which integrates psilocybin dosing sessions with specially designed psychotherapy to address body image distress. The inclusion of a nominated support person for each participant aims to enhance the therapy's effectiveness and foster a supportive environment beyond the trial.
Claire discusses the challenges and ethical considerations of using psilocybin, addressing scepticism and concerns about its use in treatment. She envisions the study's findings contributing significantly to the mental health field, potentially revolutionising the approach to eating disorder treatment.
Join us as Claire shares her aspirations for the future of psychedelic medicine in mental health care, shedding light on this promising and evolving therapeutic avenue.
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You can email Olivia at [email protected] and Millie at [email protected].
Please note that although we have done our utmost to make RenourishED as inclusive as possible it’s important to remember that every individual’s eating disorder journey is unique. Please consult your treatment team before making any decisions relating to your recovery.