Dec 03 2024 4 mins 1
Consuming too much sugar can have many negative health effects including:
Weight gain, type two diabetes, Heart disease, acne, liver damage, kidney damage, joint pain, skin aging, mood problems, sleep problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cavities, and gout to name a few.
Your Brain
Eating sugar gives your brain a surge of a feel-good chemical called dopamine. That explains why you’re more likely to crave a candy bar at 3 p.m. than an apple or a carrot.
Because whole foods like fruits and veggies don’t cause the brain to release as much dopamine, your brain starts to need more and more sugar to get that same feeling of pleasure. This causes those “gotta-have-it” feelings for your after-dinner ice cream that are so hard to tame.
Sugar can be very addictive so if you have a sweet tooth it just might be an addiction and I know that’s a strong word but I keeping it real here. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it no pun intended.
If you think you have a problem with sugar and you just can’t seem to let it go. I suggest you create a plan like I did. I didn’t go cold turkey. I stopped eating sugar one week at a time so for several months, I only have sugar once a week and then it led to two weeks at a time once I was able to reach three weeks with no sugar and this is including fruit. I no longer craved it so it took three weeks for me. There are other people who can quit cold Turkey. you get to decide so Do what is best for you & your situation.
After I broke the habit, I added my delicious fruits back into my life!!
You don’t have to be controlled by your sweet tooth.
I hope this information that I have provided helps you with your health and weight loss journey.
I’m not a doctor so please don’t use anything that I say as a substitute for medical advice.
If you would like to share your Intermittent Fasting story, please email me at [email protected]
Life is what you make it! Have a great day everyone!
Intro/outro music: I Feel You by Keven MacLeod