Dec 17 2024 4 mins 1
EP-40-artificial sweeteners
Are artificial sweeteners good for us or not? Inquiring minds want to know!
Here are a few positive benefits of consuming artificial sweeteners .
1.Artificial sweeteners can be a short-term way to help some people lessen their use of sugar and lose or manage weight. I
2.artificial sweeteners can help people enjoy sweetness without excess calories.
3.If you replace added sugar with sugar substitutes, it could lower your risk of getting tooth decay and cavities.
4. Sugar substitutes don't raise the bloodsugar. Which is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Num
5., sugar substitutes also might help manage weight in the short term for People who are overweight or obese. That's because sugar substitutes often are low in calories or have no calories at all. But it's not clear whether sugar substitutes can help people manage their weight over the long term.
Here are the negative benefits of consuming artificial sweeteners.
- But be aware of how sugar substitutes affect your food and drink choices. These ingredients may get your tastebuds used to sweetness. And that can make drinking enough water a challenge. Do not replace water with sugar substitute drinks.
- Products made with sugar substitutes also may give you the wrong message about processed foods. A snack labeled low sugar or no sugar may not be the most nutritious choice.
- Excessive use of sugar alcohols can cause bloating, gas and diarrhea.
In general, it is safest to take in small amounts of sugar substitutes. And it's best to use sugar substitutes for a short time, or just every once in a while. So try to cut back if you use them daily.
If you use artificial sweeteners, remember less is best, but none is better.
Remember Whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, usually have the best mix of nutrients for the body.
Over time, it's most important to eat a healthy diet, get some exercise and practice intermittent fasting.
*I hope this information helps you with your health and weight loss journey.
I’m not a doctor so please don’t use anything that I say as a substitute for medical advice.
If you would like to share your Intermittent Fasting story, please email me at [email protected]
Life is what you make it! Have a great day everyone!
Intro/outro music: I Feel You by Keven MacLeod