Feb 20 2024 31 mins
This episode is so special. This episode is for EVERYONE, not just people in the pregnancy, postpartum or parenting phase. Helping people achieve self acceptance and self love is a passion of mind but not everyone even knows what that is. I wanted to know what some of my friends thought about self love so I had them send me audios so I could share them on my podcast.
On this podcast you will hear from in order:
Amanda @themodernmomsvillage
Kimberly @yoursoulmechanic
Jess @sevenpinesapothecary
Liz @nourishedfam
Danna @this.is.danna
Julie @juliekrausspirit
Shannon @shannong.virtually
and me! @heathermeyerholistichealth @placentaencapsulationservices
I can't thank them enough for taking time to share with me and you their thoughts. I wrap up the episode with a meditation to help you get in touch with yourself and see what you need from yourself.
Want to work with Heather directly? Visit here.
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This podcast is for educational purposes only.
Please consult with your primary care provider or mental health professional.