Jun 05 2024 33 mins
This week on the Gratitude & Growth Podcast I dive into Presence, Awareness & The Seat of the Observer. All these words and concepts we hear across the Mind, Body, Soul spectrum, the personal development world, the spiritual community -- that sound different, but I think are actually talking about the same thing! I talk about what Presence is for me, exercises I use to build my presence (or rather, just turn my mind off and enter the present moment), and my overall, never-ending, journey with it.
Are you always waiting for the future to bring you happiness or relief? Or are you always worrying about a scary or worse future? Are you always replaying moments from the past in your head (good or bad moments)? Do you ever live in the here and now?
Presence is the key to peace, and at the end of the day, the present moment is all that actually exists. It is also the most powerful and empowering moment in your life. Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” was the first book on spiritual enlightenment I ever read, and it has stayed with me for over a decade now. I return to it often. It is a book that woke me up to the fact that my mind is the root of my suffering, that my thoughts aren’t who I am, and that there is so much more to us than what our minds think we are.
And if you’re looking for a practical way to add more positivity, peace, and kindness to your own life, my eBook “21 Days of Gratitude: Simple Exercises for a More Positive Life” is now available on Amazon. It’s designed to easily help integrate gratitude practices into your daily life. You can read it on any device and have it with you when you’re on the go!
You can get the eBook here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBR3W2RV
For more on everything Gratitude & Growth and Sara Mitich visit www.gratitudegrowth.com
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Much love,
Sara Mitich 💚
#eckharttolle #powerofnow #presence #observe #awareness #reflection #acceptance #beherenow #begrateful