Jul 03 2024 33 mins
This week on the Gratitude & Growth Podcast I dive into our Level of Tolerance: what it is, how to set it, and how to maintain it while still offering others Unconditional Love.
This was something I struggled with for a long time – I always lowered my level of tolerance when I was put in situations with people that did not match it. My people-pleaser tendencies would come out and I would end up letting myself down (and lowering my level of Tolerance) because I thought that is what it meant to unconditionally love people.
This is not the case. You can Unconditionally Love people and maintain your Level of Tolerance at the same time. Discovering this balance gave me a great freedom to be myself and live life according to my own levels and no one else’s (hint: Boundaries play a great role here).
Life will always meet you at your Level of Tolerance, and sometimes it will test you to see if you will in fact maintain and fight for that level, or if you’ll consistently keep lowering it.
And if you’re looking for a practical way to add more positivity, peace, and kindness to your own life, my eBook “21 Days of Gratitude: Simple Exercises for a More Positive Life” is now available on Amazon. It’s designed to easily help integrate gratitude practices into your daily life. You can read it on any device and have it with you when you’re on the go!
You can get the eBook here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBR3W2RV
For more on everything Gratitude & Growth and Sara Mitich visit www.gratitudegrowth.com
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Much love,
Sara Mitich 💚
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