Oct 23 2024 27 mins
This age old question of whether you're an introvert or an extrovert is much more nuanced than we realize. Today, Emily explores the descriptions of all the personality types that land on this sliding scale, and explains how the knowledge and understanding of the theory as a whole is MUCH more beneficial for you than being able to label your personality type correctly!
Time Stamps:
0:30 - Intro
1:00 - A bit about our inaugural Flock Joy Reset Retreat
3:50 - The myths and misconceptions of extroverts vs introverts
6:20 - The description of an extrovert in depth
8:00 - The description of an introvert in depth
9:48 - What can we gain by knowing which personality type we identify with
11:54 - What if you don't identify as either an introvert or an extrovert
13:00 - What is an ambivert and the varying degrees of this personality type
16:25 - Signs that you may be an Introverted Extrovert
17:38 - Signs that you may be an Extroverted Introvert
18:27 - Identity crisis
19:30 - How women's hormonal cycles affect the theory
22:10 - Why it's most important to understand the theory as a whole rather than where you specifically land on it
25:20 - Maybe it's not the answer, but rather the way we ask the question that matters
26:40 - Disclaimer
Resources Used for this episode:
20 Brilliant Ways to Know you're An Introverted Extrovert
Extroverts, Introverts, and Everything in Between
Introvert vs. Extrovert Personality: What's The Difference?
Connect with Emily:
On The Gram - @thejoyfulflamingo https://www.instagram.com/thejoyfulflamingo/
For Collaborations - [email protected]
The Joyful Flamingo Podcast is produced by jpvoiceovers.
You can find them here : jpvoiceovers
Just a reminder, that I am not a medical or psychological professional. Each one of my episodes has been inspired by my own experience and journey through life and is brought to you through my own opinions and my own lens. Any suggestions or advice offered here do not substitute proper conversations with your own healthcare professionals for either your physical or mental wellbeing.