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It was our absolute pleasure to sit with the incredible, intelligent and passionate Gwendolyn. She is first and foremost a mother of one, a professor who teaches Greek philosophy and a podcaster.
We only just scratched the surface with this conversation we touched on the pressures of being a woman, working in a male dominated academic field, the lack of education of the different stages of being a woman, social media, finding balance, priority shifts when you become a mum, the power of female friendships and having open vulnerable conversations & so much more!
Taking a moment for the women that we attract onto EWP podcast. Women are just the most magical beings on the planet 🫶 We love the open and vulnerable conversations we get to have every single Monday
True empowerment is in relationships and tapping into things that light you up - Gwendolyn
You might as well do what you want because people are going to judge you anyway - Dayelene
You cannot pour from an empty cup let go on the reigns a little bit. You are enough exactly as we are - Jules
Book recommendations
We are not born submissive - Manon Garcia
Tomorrow the sex will be good again - Katherine Angel
Gwendolyn’s socials
Instagram - profdolske
Podcast Insta - goodisinthedetailspod
Podcast - Good is in the details
Thank you for tuning in honeys!
All our love,
Jules and Dayelene