Mar 09 2025 23 mins 1
What happens when two little caterpillars come across a deadly enemy? Also, episodes now include a "Discount Idea" and I read fan mail!
Our Sponsor for today is Grandpa Old Timey's Cornmeal (flavored product).
CONTENT WARNING: Profanity, Violence, Body Horror, Gore
Sound Effects by freesound_community from Pixabay
Music: "Skinny Food Fighters Blues 85" by Won Jong Hwa from Pixabay
“Little Toy House” by Geoff Harvey from Pixabay
“Inspiring Folk Acoustic” by Cookrate Eli from Pixabay
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My contact information:
email: mail@discountstorytime
Mastodon: @discountstorytime
BlueSky: @discountstorytime
Or click the link in the show notes to send me a message!