Jan 25 2025 51 mins
Happy Satiated Saturday!
Every semester in my undergraduate studies, I would receive all my coursework & experience a full-body panic.
I would look at all that was due & some perfectionistic part of me thought I needed to hand in everything tomorrow.
This typically led to a phone call to my mother who would say, "Stephanie, you eat an elephant a bite at a time."
This would often remind me that when faced with big tasks, you can only make it to the end one step at a time.
On a food recovery journey, there can be a desire to end binging or any food coping mechanism immediately. Yet, trying to eliminate your binging is too large of a step to take.
You've got to look out for the action step that feels doable & manageable. There are countless smaller steps before addressing food's role as an emotional regulator. You can begin by finding the action that brings a sense of calm to your nervous system. That’s the first step on your path forward.
In this week's Satiated Podcast episode, I chat with Tamar Samuels, registered dietitian nutritionist & the co-founder of Culina Health about:
- The gut brain connection
- How stress influences food behaviors
- The physical and emotional factors to healing
- Rethinking food labels
- Understanding nutritional research
- Building your support team
- Navigating health care with empowerment
You can also read the transcript to this week’s episode here: https://www.stephaniemara.com/blog/redefining-health-and-decoding-symptoms
Hope you enjoy this episode and talk with you all next week!
With Compassion and Empathy,
Stephanie Mara Fox
Keep in touch with Tamar:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tamarsamuels.rd/
Culina Health: https://culinahealth.com/
Keep in touch with Stephanie Mara:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_stephaniemara/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephaniemarafox
Website: https://www.stephaniemara.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephmara/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stephaniemarafox
Contact: [email protected]
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Special thanks to Bendsound for the music in this episode. ...