Feb 08 2025 55 mins
Happy Satiated Saturday!
I take a different approach to body image healing. I apply the same explorations I do with food from a somatic perspective to body image. I started to wonder why is it that you can look in the mirror and love what you see one day and then later that day or the next day look in the mirror and feel like everything needs to change. Your body did not change within 24 hours.
The answer is your nervous system. You will perceive your body differently based on your nervous system state. Often body image worries increase when you don't feel safe.
In this week's Satiated Podcast episode, I chat with Deb Schachter, author and Boston’s leading clinicians in body image and eating disorder recovery, about:
- Navigating bad body image moments
- The role of relationships in body image
- What your body is trying to tell you through body image concerns
- An internal family systems perspective on body image
- The importance of connection and community on this healing path
You can also read the transcript to this week’s episode here: https://www.stephaniemara.com/blog/bad-body-image-moments
With Compassion and Empathy,
Stephanie Mara Fox
Keep in touch with Deb:
Website: https://debschachterlicsw.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bodyimageinsideout/
Book-Body Image Inside Out: https://amzn.to/4hQdLNa
Keep in touch with Stephanie Mara:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_stephaniemara/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephaniemarafox
Website: https://www.stephaniemara.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephmara/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stephaniemarafox
Contact: [email protected]
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Special thanks to Bendsound for the music in this episode. ...