Jan 21 2024 21 mins
Today I'm excited to teach you a new skill for establishing safety after trauma. I'm excited about this episode today....I think I say that about every episode!? Haha
This new skill is from the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy modality which is incredibly helpful for managing difficult thoughts, feelings and emotions. It's called "Dropping Anchor" and follows a three-step process. So in this episode, I teach you:
+ A new skill for establishing safety within the body.
+ How to acknowledge difficult emotions, feelings and sensations.
+ How to ground yourself and build up emotional tolerance in difficult experiences.
To see our next meet up for Safe and Support, find it HERE.
To learn more about healing trauma, find more here.
To learn more about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, find more information here.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/theessentialhome_collective
Website: www.theessentialhomecollective.com
Email: [email protected]
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What is your biggest takeaway from this episode? Join me on Instagram and share with me.
With love,
Bethany XO