Sep 19 2024 21 mins 1
Quote: “The best physician is also a philosopher” – Galen (Claudius Galenus)
Reflection is key! What can I do better and why am I doing it in the first place? Harness failures as the great teachers that they are and constantly improve.
Why this person is important:
Roman and Greek Physician, Surgeon, and Philosopher (129-216 AD, 87 years). Used anatomy based care (from observing the corpses of dead gladiators) and this allowed him to outperform his piers.
Bags the Question: What are we not using right now in medical practice that will be obvious to future doctors that we should be using?
- I think about bedside ultrasound in this light
-I also think about capturing more exam data through photos, sound clips, and videos and then harnessing new technology and big data insights to learn things not previously known
- photos, sound clips, and videos have so much more data than a written physical exam in a note.
Philosophy Take: Asking the right questions is the key
In a changing world, answers, like epidemiology, are always changing. So in some ways all we will ever have are questions.
The Longevity Physician
We are going to talk about medical providers and physicians in this discussion. But the ideas may be useful for multiple other disciplines within healthcare. Everything from coaches, to personal trainers, physical therapists, pharmacists, etc. There is plenty of room for everyone in longevity and it will take a village to solve aging.
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