How To Stop People-pleasing: Are You Making Their Feelings Too Important?
People-pleasing drives us to over-prioritize and emphasize people's negative feelings towards us and towards other things. This can motivate us to try to fix their feelings, which blinds us to important realities about what is happening, including:
1) Incompatibilities between you and that person
2) Boundary violations that you've done or they've done
3) Ignoring of your intuition and sense of the situation
4) Knowing what is real and valid for you in a situation
We end up with damaged senses of self, anxiety, and feeling insecure when we over-prioritize other people's feelings.
Yet, properly caring for the emotional impact someone has is essential to clarity and to building secure attachment.
So what is the balance we need to walk here?
Learn the secret in today's episode! ***
People-pleasing Transformed - 6 Weeks To Radical Self-Trust And Peace
This 6-week journey guides you through unblending from your people-pleasing identity, embodying your Confidence Identity, and have the capacity to tolerate and soothe the discomfort that moves you to override your boundaries, ignore your needs, and tolerate things that hurt or drain you.
We start January 26, 2025 at 3pm Mountain Time.
Investment: $197
Click here for more details and to join: