Are you hoping to add sheep to you farm someday? Are you overwhelmed with farm work of all the different animals and feeling burned out? Do you wish there was an easy animal who gave you meat, milk and fiber? Do you live in the hot, dry desert and notice your wool sheep are not thriving and are actually costing you more money? Does the thought of living far away from a veterinarian scare you because you feel you must have knowledge of one to give your sheep a good life? Do you want to learn more about growing your food not only for yourself but your sheep, too?! Hi, I’m Marissa and I am so overjoyed that you’re here! I live in the dry desert of rural New Mexico. I always knew I wanted a farm, since I was a little girl. I grew up with so many different animals and I am so grateful for that. I remember feeling like I had to have it all when I first started! Each animal for a specific reason and I had to become an expert in each of them to feel like I knew what I was doing. 10 years ago when I first got married, my dad and father in law gifted us hair sheep. Those Blackbelly Barbados taught me a lot! I wanted to get into fiber and so got myself some adorable Babydoll Sheep. They were great but when summer came around, I noticed they were eating much more than my hair sheep, drinking more water and really only wanted to be in the shade. It was a clear difference between my two breeds of sheep. I thought my time of having wool sheep was over. After trying almost every farm animal and multiple breeds of sheep, I was just flat out defeated. I was trying to learn it all at once and I had this huge fear or failing. Well my friends, I am here to tell you that I did in deed have failures! Plenty of them! Is this farming/homestead life for me? Through trail and error and this raging desire in my heart to live as frugal as I can, I discovered more and more of the capabilities of sheep breed! Through countless hours late at night reading books and articles about these animals, attending workshops, talking to everyone I can, and through just living with sheep for 10 years straight, I have learned so much. I have learned to lower vet bills, grow what they need, I’ve learned to utilize every part of the animal, I have found the perfect breeds for my climate and I have gained such sweet relationships with these tender animals. Most importantly, they have taught me so much about myself, they’ve lowered my anxiety, and they give me and my family something to look forward to in the early mornings. Fresh Milk! Yum! I’m so grateful to continue to be learning every day. I want to further my knowledge every day that I am alive. I am here to teach you everything I know about shepherding. Inside this podcast you will find natural care, breeds that are perfect for you, how to frugal and sustainable, how to simplify your experience, no need for anything fancy, and we’ll learn from other shepherds and shepherdesses! I want you to enjoy your “chores” and gain a friendship with your sheep, no matter their purpose. Give both your family and sheep a more peaceful and gracious lifestyle. Grab your staff and let’s get hooked on shepherding! Hear Today, Herd Tomorrow. Connect: [email protected] Instagram and TikTok: @desert.shepherdess