Hey Mama! Welcome to Keys to Kindergarten Readiness I’m Shannon Ali. Daughter of the King, Wife, mom of 3 littles, teacher, speech-language pathologist, and kindergarten readiness expert! I remember what it felt like during the Covid lockdown in 2020, my husband was still working, and I was home by myself with our 3 year old, 1 year old, and a newborn baby girl all while still teaching school online. Needless to say, it was a crazy time, but I am thankful for God’s grace and lessons during that time. I felt like I wasn’t fulfilling my role as a mom. I didn’t know how to nurture my children’s gifts. I was putting academics in front of God’s Word, and we didn’t have a sense of discipline, organization, or family in our home even though it looked perfect from the outside. Then, I went into my Bible & back to my college books. I taught my then 3 year old how to read with quick easy lessons, and he tested off the charts for acceptance into the top school and preschool gifted program. I taught my kids about several black inventors to teach them perseverance and to build their self-esteem. I taught them life skills to help me around the house and to help them become more independent and confident. Most importantly, I grew deeper in my personal faith, and I was able to start planting seeds in my children’s hearts and teach them so much about God. Solutions I’m here to teach you everything I know about faith, family, and fun learning. In this podcast, you will learn: -Ways to help your child build a personal relationship with Jesus -Tips for positive parenting, life skills, and building a stronger family -Engaging on-the-go strategies for teaching your child everything they need to know to be ready for kindergarten even when you’re busy Learn: www.keystokindergartenreadiness.com Connect: [email protected] Community: https://bit.ly/3K8RTP3 Facebook: Keys to Kindergarten Readiness