Employment Rights Online: The Podcast

Mar 06 2025 263 ep. 14 mins 7
Employment Rights Online: The Podcast artwork

Employment Rights Online: The Podcast - is a podcast for employees and workers! The podcast looks at all things to do with employment rights, employment wrongs and other job related matters. Dr Asher your podcast host, delves into these subjects from the point of view of all types of employees and workers! There are podcasts out there, that focus on what employers need to know, to be ahead of problems their staff might have or might cause for their business. Employment Rights Online comes at the subject of 'employment rights' from the position of workers and workers' rights! Want to know how to deal with bullying at work, how to manage toxic relationships, or about grievance and disciplinary procedures or how to manage disputes at work - this is the podcast for you. Want to know about how your job might be affected by the working time directive, flexible working or lone working - this is the podcast for you! Are you interested in what your boss might be looking at during your forthcoming appraisal - we can help with that. Looking to repair your damaged professional reputation because of poor treatment at work - we can help with that. This podcast covers these problems and many more. We believe that the time to get on terms with your employment rights is when things are calm at work and not when things are going wrong! When things are calm, it's much easier to take the information in and follow through with employment protecton actions. And that's why we're here! Employment Rights Online: The Podcast, aims to bridge that gap between not knowing about employment rights - and being able to take effective actions to protect yourself and your rights at work. Whilst Employment Rights Online has sought to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, Dr Asher and Employment Rights Online are not responsible and will not be held liable for any inaccuracies and, or related consequences, including any loss arising from relying on this information. If you are in need of legal advise to address an employment problem, please contact your usual services as soon as possible for advice.