Jul 06 2023 58 ep. 25 mins 1

The Exhale Bible Discovery Podcast is a refreshingly bold study of the Bible with Dr. Paula McDonald, best-selling author, professor, cancer survivor and champion for total health of the mind, body and spirit. For years, Paula has served as a Bible study leader to a community-based group that has grown to include more than 400 women worldwide. Using the inductive approach to studying the Bible, each week you'll grow in knowledge in God's word as you follow along. God gave us the gift of His Word so that we may have a guide to living by His principles, and through meaningful study and a desire to know Him, we can be assured that we will grow in the knowledge of Christ. This first season begins in the back of the Bible, with Revelation - a book so many people fear or simply misunderstand. Journey along with Dr. Paula as she goes line by line, and chapter by chapter, to discover the mind-blowing truths in Revelation that God has waiting for you. For your free study guide and more resources, visit https://drpaulamcdonald.com/exhale.