Five Minute Music Reviews Podcast: Blog | Album Reviews | | Brian Morris

Mar 01 2025 10 ep. 7 mins 2
Five Minute Music Reviews Podcast: Blog | Album Reviews | | Brian Morris artwork

Do you love music? Are you looking for a quick way to find great music? If so, you've come to right place. Music has always been a big part of my family's life but it became even more significant when my beautiful wife Rebecca (and the mother of my four children) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. We've always known that music heals but we learned all about that during a long medical road that included multiple surgeries and a full year of harsh chemotherapy. About six months into our healthcare journey, Rebecca noticed that she really needed a new outlet to get her mind off the stress associated with her cancer treatments. Rebecca polled some friends and many of them said that they'd love to find a quick way to learn about great new music and many of them said that they listen to podcasts during their daily commute. At that same time, I found myself with a 86 mile round-trip commute to work each day and was discovering loads of great albums. Rebecca's cancer and my insane commute created the perfect storm for what was to become Five Minute Music Reviews. Rebecca decided to create a podcast where we would review music that helped get us through those very difficult months. Thus, we started writing and recording album reviews and Rebecca got to work on creating a website and media platform to distribute the reviews. Our 12-year old daughter also got involved designing our logo and the art for the website. We all banded together to help Rebecca redirect her energy away from the pain and suffering that she was experiencing and into an endeavor where she could help others find empowering high quality music that might help them get through whatever difficulties they might be experiencing. Rebecca decided that the best way to begin to “heal” from the cancer was to help others find music to get them through their challenging times. Life can sometimes be very challenging and very painful and Rebecca has taught me that it's best to turn that pain into something meaningful and helpful to others. With this podcast, Rebecca has created a truly exceptional resource for those looking to find great music from a host of different genres. Some of the albums that we review have touched my family very deeply - some have made us smile during times of trouble while others have helped us come to terms with a very difficult challenge. We hope that Rebecca’s podcast project helps you find music that similarly enriches your life and perhaps adds a little hope, faith, and grace to your world. Stay well and enjoy the music!