Happy Space Podcast with Clare Kumar

Oct 07 2024 58 ep. 45 mins 11
Happy Space Podcast with Clare Kumar artwork

🙂 Welcome to the Happy Space® Podcast where we explore the intersection of productivity & inclusivity through the lens of a highly sensitive productivity coach, speaker, and brand collaborator - that's me! Tune in for conversations with authors, culture-shapers, space designers, and creators of products, services, and customer experience as we highlight astonishing contributions tempting a more tender world. We know that diversity leads to richer results, so let’s accept that #productivityispersonal and commit to designing with greater respect for humanity. I aim to leave you with ideas to better support your colleagues, customers, community, and not least of all, yourself and those who matter most. For, everyone, including you, deserves a Happy Space. 🙂 If you or someone you know will enjoy exploring this topic with a supportive community, check out or share https://www.HappySpacePod.com 🙂 If you're wondering if you might be an HSP, take the HSP quiz at https://clarekumar.com/hsp-quiz/ 🙂 sign up for Clare's the Happy Space "museletter" - a monthly email full of good stuff about productivity & inclusivity 🙂 Find out more about your host at https://clarekumar.com/