If you’re a high achieving Kingdom woman who believes you’re called to impact the world through your gifts, then you’re in the right place! Hi friend! I’m Heather, teacher turned entrepreneur, coach, speaker and your host of the Seek First CEO podcast. I’m passionate about helping ambitious servant hearted women find their worth in Whose they are, not what they do. After building a variety of businesses, including an 8 figure business, it took losing it all to find Jesus’ all. I was deceived for far too long believing I had to work for my worthiness, prove my value, and be the provider for all my needs. But God! When we seek God first and keep God first, we can’t go wrong! As a Certified Master Neuroscience Life Coach, I help you connect the dots between Biblical Principles and Brain science so you can take your thoughts captive and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Since I don’t do surface, we go deep here and talk about the stuff underneath the surface because my prayer is to help you get to the source of your heartset and mindset road blocks so you can have breakthrough by aligning your heart and mind with Biblical truths. If your heart’s desire is to grow in your relationship with Jesus, while fearlessly fulfilling your purpose and calling, then let’s open up the Word together and see what the Holy Spirit has to say about living your life in F.L.O.W. with Him! Are you ready? I’d love to connect with you! JOIN OUR COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/seekfirstceo LEARN: www.heathershriverburns.com CONNECT: [email protected]