It's easy to relate to like-minded people, but what about those who are not like-minded? Those who live differently, in another part of the world, with different priorities, experiences, cultures, and contexts. They see the world differently from you, but can you understand them? Are you listening for the things that make us all more alike than we are different? In an increasingly "us and them" world, where connecting with 'like-minded' individuals is encouraged, this is a show for the non-likeminded. This is a platform that gives you the chance to understand and empathize with others. We want to inspire a reconnection of our common humanity by sharing the unheard stories and opinions around us. Why? Because listening is a skill we need to re-master if we are to fill in the gaps that exist between us. The MiMi YouYou Show's vision is to help overcome the global Empathy Deficit. To teach, encourage and imbue empathy, simply by listening in. We give every listener the chance to practice and create empathy with and towards others, every time they join us. The More The World Talks About Empathy, The More Empathy The World Will Have.