The Part-Time Money Podcast

Aug 03 2024 10 ep. 31 mins 1
The Part-Time Money Podcast artwork

This podcast is intended for everyone who wants more information about making extra money. Specifically, making money in a part-time business, making money on the side outside of your normal job. I will present simple ideas for you to bring in some extra income. Whether you need to pay off some extra debts that you have or you want to raise money for savings, I'm here to help. I took a survey on my blog recently. The number one problem people said they were having was not enough income, and they wanted more content from me on how to make more income. I know how to blog. I know how to do some affiliate marketing. But, as far as any other businesses out there, I am not a pro, so my solution to that answer was to bring in some other people and to conduct interviews over a podcast format with people who are doing part-time gigs or who have created side businesses that are now successful to bring in extra money. I hope you will stay tuned regardless of the topic because hopefully there are some business principles that apply across whatever type of making money idea you have, and so hopefully there will be some information for everyone in each podcast.