Episode 1: "Whistling in the Dark"In the quiet riverside town of Steamboat River, a series of unsettling events begins to unfold when a shadowy figure resembling the town’s beloved steamboat captain, Willie, emerges. The townsfolk, once cheerful and united, grow suspicious and fearful as the figure’s attacks escalate, targeting townspeople and casting doubt on Willie’s innocence. Minnie and Polly, Willie’s closest allies, rally around him, determined to uncover the truth.Sheriff Billy Goat leads an investigation, but evidence points to a doppelgänger that mirrors Willie’s appearance, mannerisms, and even his signature whistle. As fear grips the town, Willie is forced to confront his own doubts and the mounting accusations against him. The episode climaxes with a chilling encounter between the group and the doppelgänger, where its eerie mimicry and unsettling smile confirm that it is more than just a simple imposter. Against the odds, Willie vows to clear his name and protect his home, setting the stage for the escalating conflict ahead.