The Taiwan Take

Mar 21 2025 52 ep. 36 mins 2.1k
The Taiwan Take Podcast artwork

A current affairs podcast on Taiwan and the world. Every episode, we invite a journalist to a conversation with an expert to get the big picture context of what we need to know. These are global issues, and this is The Taiwan Take.

Nominated for Best News Podcast at 2020 Excellent Journalism Award in Taiwan. Produced by Ghost Island Media in Taipei, Taiwan.

2020年台灣卓越新聞獎 Podcast 新聞獎入圍者.這是一個專門討論臺灣時事的訪談性英文節目, 以「縱觀世界議題,以臺灣觀點論述」為主軸,由記者採訪跨領域專家、名人與來賓等,第一手將臺灣的故事推向國際.
