WE ARE A TABLE OF ARTISTS. PAINTERS, COOKS, MUSICIANS, AND FRIENDS LIVING IN CHICAGO. WE DRINK AND WE PLAY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS. Join us on patreon and contribute to our creations! We're making maps, one shots, more podcasts, recipes, and music for you to use however you want! www.patreon.com/wereratstudios THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: WERERAT STUDIOS | https://twitter.com/WereratStudios JOEL | https://twitter.com/thevillainjoel TJ | https://twitter.com/cookiesandart FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: WERERATSTUDIOS | https://www.instagram.com/wereratstudios/ TJ | https://www.instagram.com/cookiesandart/ JESSE | https://www.instagram.com/thechoppakwithcheese/ ELLIOTT | https://www.instagram.com/itsaginandtonic/ WWW.WERERATSTUDIOS.COM