Jan 18 2025 46 mins 1
Happy Satiated Saturday!
Body shame is body communication.
If body shame could speak, it might say, “It doesn’t feel safe to be as you are. I’m trying to protect you from the pain you’ve already endured.”
Body shame often acts as a shield, guarding against judgment and rejection. No one could be as cruel to you as you are to yourself. This can feel like a defense, ensuring that no one else’s words can hurt you more than your own.
Body shame can create a thick impenetrable wall around you that no one can get in but neither can you. It can lead to feeling disconnected from yourself where your body becomes a tool rather than a living being that allows you to experience sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes.
In this week's Satiated Podcast episode, I chat with Marla Mervis-Hartmann, coach, speaker, and author about:
- The journey toward self love takes
- Navigating diet culture
- Entering this new year with an intention toward self compassion and self care rather than weight loss
- The role of pleasure and emotional expression in healing
You can also read the transcript to this week’s episode here: https://www.stephaniemara.com/blog/befriend-your-body-and-rediscover-pleasure
Always here for you.
With Compassion and Empathy,
Stephanie Mara Fox
Keep in touch with Marla:
Befriend Yourself Book: https://amzn.to/42jDGrO
Website: www.LoveYourBodyLoveYourself.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loveyourbodyloveyourselfalways
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loveyourbodyloveyourself
Keep in touch with Stephanie Mara:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_stephaniemara/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephaniemarafox
Website: https://www.stephaniemara.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephmara/
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Contact: [email protected]
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Special thanks to Bendsound for the music in this episode. ...