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Oct 18 2024 16 mins   27


Because your goal is not just to get to the finish line, get stuff done. But you also want to feel less stress and overwhelm along the way, right? And, without self-compassion, your experience in getting to the finish line will likely continue to be full of stress and overwhelm.


* There is a difference between pity and self-compassion

* When you try run away from emotions you likely end up magnifying them

* One way to learn to live with your negative feelings so they have less of a hold over you is by learning how to use ACT

* To reach your goals effectively, in addition to accepting your thoughts, it’s also important to accept yourself as you are.

* When you develop self-compassion you will likely be in a better position to address your ADHD challenges.



Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself



If you want to be productive, being self-compassion is a key step. You’ve turned into Scattered, Focused, Done, Re-imagining Productivity with ADHD, a podcast for ADHD, adults like you who want to learn how to adopt the best strategies, tools, and skills to be able to get your essential work done in a way that works with the way your brain is wired. I’m Marla Cummins, and I’m glad you decided to join me today on this journey to re-imagining productivity with ADHD, so you can get what is important to you done without trying to do it like everyone else. Maybe you found my blog because you want to learn how to be more productive as an ADHD adult. If so, then you’ll want to know that ADHD adults need self-compassion to reach their goals. Really. Because without self-compassion, it will be much, much harder to be productive.


Do what’s meaningful and important to you. Are you in? Not sure? If not, it might be because you equate compassion with pity. And if that’s the case, you might think self-compassion might mean you’ll be less productive and people will take advantage of you. To avoid this, you try not to let your guard down and continue to push yourself to prove to others you are capable. Here’s the good news. You won’t need to engage in self pity. But when you start to develop more self-compassion and lean into it as one of your go-to strategies, you will feel more grounded, confident, and have better relationships, and yes, be more productive. Curious how you can develop more compassion to achieve these results while working with your ADHD? Let’s get on with it then. And I’ll start by differentiating between pity and self-compassion. When you pity someone, you feel bad for them or sympathetic right?


However, you may also view them as less than. And if you are pitting yourself because of your ADHD challenges, you may view yourself as less perhaps than your neurotypical peers. And this may lead to a seemingly never ending shame and blame spiral. On the other hand, when you exhibit self-compassion about your ADHD, you will, and this definition comes from Dr. Christie Neff. You will have more mindful and be more mindful of your negative emotions. Once you don’t want that is you can identify and be with your emotions. But don’t waste time and energy avoiding or running away from them. You also recognize that, well, your challenges may be related to your A DHD,