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May 12 2024 54 mins   1

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In this conversation, Carl and Chelsea discuss the purpose of their podcast, SoberPod, and the importance of one addict or alcoholic helping another in recovery. They introduce their book, '366 Fucking Days Sober,' and encourage listeners to engage with the daily meditations and affirmations. They highlight the significance of emotional sobriety and challenge the critical inner voice that often undermines self-worth. The conversation touches on topics such as setting boundaries, saying no without guilt, and practicing self-care. The conversation explores the theme of the critical inner voice and its impact on self-perception and behavior. The speakers discuss their experiences with negative self-talk and the importance of challenging and reframing these thoughts. They emphasize the need to confide in others and seek support in order to break free from the cycle of negative thinking. The conversation also touches on the significance of forgiveness and self-compassion in overcoming the critical inner voice. Overall, the speakers encourage listeners to confront and address their negative thoughts and beliefs in order to achieve personal growth and recovery.


  • One addict or alcoholic helping another is crucial to building a life in recovery.

  • Emotional sobriety is essential for true transformation in recovery.

  • Setting boundaries and saying no without guilt are important aspects of self-care.

  • Engaging with daily meditations and affirmations can challenge the critical inner voice and promote self-worth. Recognize and acknowledge the critical inner voice and challenge its validity

  • Talk to someone you trust about your negative thoughts and beliefs

  • Practice self-compassion and forgiveness

  • Seek support and confide in others to break free from negative thinking

  • Addressing the critical inner voice is crucial for personal growth and recovery