Jan 14 2025 10 mins 1
Happy 2025 and welcome to a new season of The Broker Link podcast! We hope this year will be the best year for everyone!
We are kicking off the year with a look at how to grow your book of business by adding life insurance. This is a great time of year to consider adding different products to your portfolio. Life insurance is something you can sell year-round.
Cristal Bustillos is our Marketing Support on our life team. She will be with us each month to give us insightful information about how life insurance can help you grow your business.
If you have any questions about life insurance, reach out to our life department by emailing them directly at [email protected]. And don't forget to ask them to sign up for our monthly newsletter that will give you all the very latest news and information going on with the life team.
You can also learn about The Brokerage Inc. by visiting our website, www.thebrokerageinc.com.