***TOP 1.5% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST*** Have you been trying to get pregnant, but are disappointed month after month as you wonder why God put a dream to become a mother in your heart? Have you struggled with the pain of miscarriage, only to wonder if you will ever feel like your family is complete? Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there about hormones and fertility, wishing that you understood how your unique body actually worked? Sister- you are so in the right place! This podcast will give you all the answers for the roadmap to healthy conception, understanding your body and how to support it naturally, and getting Godly wisdom and encouragement through this journey. Hey, I’m Bekah. A wife, stay-at-home mom, and daughter of God. I have three children here on earth, and three babies in heaven. Even after our third miscarriage, I left my doctor’s appointment wondering if I’d ever get answers or figure out what to do to prevent another one. I searched google like crazy to figure out cycle and hormonal health, just to be left feeling more confused. God finally revealed to us what we were missing in this heartbreaking journey: understanding my cycle and supporting it naturally. I’m praising God for showing me the answers and lifestyle for how to get pregnant and carry that baby to a healthy delivery. With little tweaks, changes, and disciplines, it is SO do-able to implement. And I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re ready to leave the TTC club and be an expert on YOUR hormonal health... Ditch Dr. Google and get legit advise for your getting pregnant... Have a Godly woman walk with you who has been there... This podcast is for you! So sister... For the love of hormones- put the pregnancy test stick down, because it’s time for a come to Jesus and hormones meeting! Start the Fertility Framework Course: https://bekahyawn.com/course Join the Free Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/802419477419221 Visit the Website: https://bekahyawn.com/ Email Us: [email protected]