从我们开始,到生活中去。 我们是两个三十多岁的女的, 来自不同的小镇,同在爱丁堡生活。回珍和传音,是我们外婆和姥姥的名字。我们在这里谈谈心,会会友;哭哭笑笑,讲讲女性故事;轻轻松松,聊聊大千世界。 期待与你相遇! Welcome to the FromWomen podcast, where life’s journeys are shared from our hearts to yours. We are two women in our thirties, hailing from different parts of China but now calling Edinburgh our home. Here, we create a cosy space to share laughter and tears, to discuss women's experiences, and to explore the world around us.