Life Is Peachy Podcast

Nov 27 2024 38 ep. 95 mins 9
Life Is Peachy Podcast artwork

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The Life Is Peachy Podcast is an immersive, audio documentary experience; each episode featuring a guest, immense sound design laced with music, quotes, storytelling narrative and question / answer discussion.

First experiencing Sepultura, Pantera and Metallica in the Summer of ’96 and living out his formative years during Nu Metal’s reign, "Heavy" music has remained a constant in David’s life. His love for music and cinema led to the formation of Her Name Is Murder Productions in 2009 (now Life Is Peachy Productions) and a career creating music videos and music documentaries around the world with artists of all shapes and sizes.

Over the last decade storytelling has played a huge role in David's life and while usually spending most of his time on set, on tour or in the studio creating documentaries for artists and fans, the unpredictable year formally known as 2020 led to many of these stories falling victim to the back burner.

This need to express, to share and to connect led to the creation of “Life Is Peachy”; a nostalgia fuelled podcast discussing various albums predominately falling under the heavy music umbrella and their impact both personally and on the band.

“So many albums have played an essential part in my personal and creative growth and are vital in keeping me grounded and connected to my past, present and future. Music can give you so much and some albums can feel like a friend; they understand you like no other.”

The Life Is Peachy Podcast is NOT monetized.

Check out the more stripped back second channel; The Mixtape Sessions -