Student of the Gun University

Dec 14 2023 50 ep. 15 mins 29
Student of the Gun University Podcast artwork

The road to mastery begins here. The Student of the Gun University Podcast makes it easy to gain a new perspective and understanding of firearms training.

We use a single topic, short-form, easy to digest format to enable you to maximize your listening time.

Each episode of SOTG University podcast will focus on a specific topic allowing you to choose from a variety of topics and subject matters related to the world of firearms and firearms training. Be sure to start with the 3 pillar episodes!

Our host is Professor Paul G Markel, a veteran instructor with 30 plus years of experience training military personnel, law enforcement and citizens alike.

Mr. Markel will tap into his well of knowledge to offer solid and tested advice in regard to most all Small Arms & Tactics topics. 

Grab a pencil and a notebook. You are not going to want to miss a word of this show. Learn more at and remember… You are a beginner once, a student for life.