With over 26 years experience in Leisure, your host Si has consulted on the strategy, design or operation of more than 30 leisure facilities, helping generate well over £150 million in revenue.
A former Managing Director of Gravity Force & Boost Trampoline Parks, Si has had skin in the game, lead brands to record profits, greyed through COVID,
had his fingers burned, and is now balancing studies & consultancy to become the Leisure Industry’s most innovative consultant.
Career highlights include:
Product Design: Crafting market leading products like the Sno-Academy for Snozone, a revolution for the mature leisure brand (14 years established) that 3X’d kids lesson revenue virtually overnight.
Record Revenues: Unofficial record holder for highest monthly revenue for a Trampoline Park at £438,000! That's just under £100k p/wk or £15k/day. Gravity Force - August 2015.
Industry Expert: Expert Panel member for the British Standards Institute (BSI) & the International Standards Organisation (ISO).