Empaths Anonymous

Oct 02 2024
Empaths Anonymous Podcast artwork

Crystina and Danielle are just your everyday black and brown eldest daughters in their thirties, embracing their cultures and trying to navigate life as the highest versions of themselves while struggling to keep it together and carry everyone else’s shit too. Luisa, is that you? Girl, it’s a lot!

What started as humorous wine nights asking “am I the crazy one here!?” turned into a deeper bond and need for bigger conversations when they realized they were the only ones hyper-aware of everyone and everything around them; only to be shocked that not everyone views the world the same, cares about others' feelings the way they do, or were willing to take a sliver of accountability – enter Empaths Anonymous, a space to cry, curse, and cuddle. 

Get ready for it all — conversations surrounding mental and emotional health, personal growth, community, race and culture, and more!

Welcome to the support group, feelers!