Welcome to the “Pivot to Prosper" podcast with Dr J Keith Brown.
When life gets hard, most people either REACT out of emotions or RETREAT out of fear. Keith helps his clients RESPOND instead, by clarifying the truth, comparing the options, and creating a "PIVOT PLAN" in order to heal and prosper. Or as Keith so often says: "When You Hurt in Your Now, I Help You Pivot to Your Next."
This podcast is an extension of Keith's work and in these podcast episodes, you will be empowered, educated, and challenged to make those needed pivots in any area of life. These areas include relationships, careers, sexual identity, self-development, and more.
Disclaimers: Keith is not a licensed therapist nor is he a medical professional, so please do consult a licensed professional if needed. Also, all views expressed on this show are Keith’s or those of his guests and should be understood as such. In addition, the views of Keith's guest may or may not be the same as his own.
Have a seat at the table and let’s chat on the "Pivot to Prosper" podcast."