Just 5 things with Rhoda Dell

May 08 2024 3
Just 5 things with Rhoda Dell Podcast artwork

When you're building the life you want and resistance and stuck feelings from the past rock up, what do you do? When you hit that limitings belief wall, or when you put your manifestations out for pasture and they just aren't coming back at ya. Things feeling almost aligned, totally aligned, or are in some areas of your life are just not, then just 5 things is for you. Even if life is flying beautifully, just 5 things is still for you, as new level in life new devil, and if we think we're not worth it we can sink into old self fulfilling prophecies and get stuck in unworthiness for what can feel like a millennia of self loathing.If you are wanting to build and empire with consistent revenue streams of effortless 6-7 figures, or you want a better quality of life and you aren't sure of the empowered first steps to take, or your not sure what you want and are looking for some inspiration, these are the podcasted words for you.