The fertile void is a term from Gestalt therapy that describes the space between our old story before we have stepped into and claimed our new story. In the fertile void, we can often feel stuck and frustrated. What often keeps us stuck is trying too hard out of fear of never creating the life we want deep inside. Find out why self-help tools and techniques typically don’t work, and let Russell guide you upstream to your innate well-being and confidence to get unstuck and claim your life of possibility and purpose. Whether it’s creating the family you crave or the success you know you deserve, Russell will help you see how misunderstandings about the nature of thoughts and feelings mean we get in our own way from being who we want to be and creating what we want. Russell will help you change your relationship with your thoughts, feelings and sense of identity to help you know you are OK whether you feel OK or not and live the life true to yourself and not your habitual insecure thoughts. Russell Davis is a compassionate, intuitive and highly effective coach who can help lift the fog that clouds your life and masks your true potential. If you lack direction, are tired of playing small or would love to find that deeply buried version of yourself you know to be true, Russell is the person you need. Apart from being an eminently qualified clarity coach, cognitive hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner/trainer, Russell’s lived experience and insightful nature mean that he is able to look at things with fresh eyes and listen beyond the words you say. Get in touch: