Are you curious about the science of sleep and how music and brain waves can improve it? Join us on a journey to explore the latest research and techniques for better sleep and relaxation. Our episodes cover a wide range of topics related to the science of sleep, from sleep music and delta waves to the latest research on sleep and more. Whether you're dealing with insomnia, seeking a more restful night's sleep, or simply interested in the science of sleep, join us on a journey to explore the science of sleep and let the power of music and brain waves transform your sleep. Get ready to say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a better night's sleep. Click here to enjoy an ad-free experience.
This collection of soothing sounds is carefully curated to create an environment conducive to restful sleep, deep meditation, and overall relaxation.
English:| Sleep Meditation Podcast-Sleep Stories-Sleep Hypnosis-Guided Sleep Meditation-Deep Sleep Sounds-Relaxing Sleep Music
Spanish:| Meditación para dormir, sonidos para dormir, historias para dormir, hipnosis para dormir, sonidos para dormir profundo, meditación para dormir profundo, podcast de meditación para dormir
French:| Podcast de Méditation pour le Sommeil-Histoires pour Dormir-Hypnose pour le Sommeil-Méditation Guidée pour le Sommeil-Sons Profonds du Sommeil-Musique Relaxante pour le Sommeil
German:| Schlafmeditations-Podcast-Schlafgeschichten-Schlafhypnose-Geführte Schlafmeditation-Tiefe Schlafgeräusche-Entspannende Schlafmusik
Japanese:| 睡眠瞑想ポッドキャスト-睡眠ストーリー-睡眠催眠-ガイド付き睡眠瞑想-深い睡眠音-リラックスする睡眠音楽
Italian:| Podcast di Meditazione del Sonno-Storie del Sonno-Ipnosi del Sonno-Meditazione Guidata del Sonno-Suoni Profondi del Sonno-Musica Rilassante per il Sonno
Korean:| 수면 명상 팟캐스트-수면 이야기-수면 최면-안내된 수면 명상-깊은 수면 소리-수면에 이로운 음악
Polish:| Podcast Medytacji Snu-Historie do Snu-Hipnoza do Snu-Prowadzona Medytacja do Snu-Głębokie Dźwięki Snu-Relaksująca Muzyka do Snu
Swedish:| Sömnmusik-Podcast-Sömnberättelser-Sömnhypnos-Guidad Sömnmusik-Djupa Sömn Ljud-Avslappnande Sömn Musik
Turkish:| Uyku Meditasyonu Podcast-Uyku Hikayeleri-Uyku Hipnozu-Rehberli Uyku Meditasyonu-Derin Uyku Sesleri-Rahatlatıcı Uyku Müziği
Vietnamese:| Podcast Thiền Giấc Ngủ-Câu Chuyện Giấc Ngủ-Hypnosis Giấc Ngủ-Thiền Dẫn Giấc Ngủ-Những Âm Thanh Giấc Ngủ Sâu-Nhạc Thư Giãn Giấc Ngủ
Romanian:| Podcast de Meditație pentru Somn-Povești pentru Somn-Hipnoză pentru Somn-Meditație Ghidată pentru Somn-Sunete pentru Somn Adânc-Muzică Linistitoare pentru Somn
Chinese:| 睡眠冥想播客-睡眠故事-睡眠催眠-引导入眠冥想-深度睡眠声音-舒缓的睡眠音乐
Norwegian:| Søvnmeditasjonspodcast-Søvnhistorier-Søvnhypnose-Guidet søvnmeditasjon-Dype søvnlyder-Beroligende søvnmusikk
Slovak:| Podcast Meditácie pre Spánok-Príbehy pre Spánok-Hypnóza pre Spánok-Vedená Meditácia pre Spánok-Hlboké Zvuky Spánku-Ukludňujúca Hudba pre Spánok
Bengali:| ঘুমের মেডিটেশন পডকাস্ট-ঘুমের গল্প-ঘুমের হাইপনোসিস-নির্দেশিত ঘুমের মেডিটেশন-গভীর ঘুমের শব্দ-শান্তিপ্রদ ঘুমের সঙ্গীত
Arabic:| بودكاست التأمل في النوم-قصص النوم-تنويم النوم-التأمل الموجه للنوم-أصوات النوم العميق-موسيقى هادئة للنوم
Hindi:| सोने की ध्यान संगीत पॉडकास्ट-सोने की कहानियाँ-सोने की सम्मोहन-निर्देशित सो
Below are related resources that can help you improve your sleep quality and reduce stress. If you are struggling to fall asleep, try listening to a sleep meditation or sleep story. You can also try using calming sounds, such as white noise or rain sounds. If you are still having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor. They may be able to help you identify the underlying cause of your sleep problems and recommend treatment options.
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